Buddha Shakyamuni
Mainland China
16th Century
H. 31 cm
Gilt brass, cast in several pieces.
Shakyamuni is the founder of Buddhism, who lived in India in about 500 B.C. Because of thelength of the Ming Dynasty the statues are available in different styles, this styles have changed overtime. Statues from the late Ming dynasty can be distinguished by the greater proportions of the heads. Typical Ming statues of that period have full faces with narrow eyes and eyebrows. The nose is set high, the mouth rather narrow and the ears quite thick. The head of this particular Shakyamuni statue is adorned with braided up hair. The eyes are opened only slightly. Overall, thefacial expression is quite thoughtful. The upper body is dressed in monk'sclothing, while the legs are covered with a long skirt. His bare chest isadorned with a Swastika. The figure sits on a large lotus pedestal. Under thelotus pedestal, there is a six-legged vessel. On both sides of the platform there are lotus flowers.